Sunday, November 1, 2020

Puzzle #23: Guest Themeless by Brooke Husic and Will Nediger


Two fantastic people, one fantastic puzzle! I truly couldn't be more pleased to be running this phenomenal themeless by Brooke and Will. Great entries, incredible clues, and a 37-Across that's close to my heart for more than one reason, one of which being where I went to college (click here after solving to see what I mean). I don't want to say any more because I want you to be able to discover the joys of this puzzle completely on your own. I have no doubt that you'll be just as blown away as I was! Enjoy, and welcome to November!

Here's Brooke: Working with Will is the best, and I'm really proud of this puzzle we made together. I love Will's clues for 37-A and 47-A. I'm also very happy to be back on Amanda's site and am super grateful for her hosting this guest spot and being an all-around stellar friend!

Here's Will: Working with Brooke is a delight too! She wrote too many clever, creative clues for me to list, so you'll just have to dive right into the puzzle! Many thanks to Amanda, whose work I greatly admire, for the guest spot. 

.puz file

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